About the program

The Michelle Somogyi Nemeth Mini Grant Program provides financial assistance to families enrolled in our UPLIFT program. Grants of up to $500 are awarded to families to help with expenses incurred during their cancer journey, including:

Medical costs

School Supplies

Utility bills

Insurance premiums & copays


Counselling or grief services

In honor of Michelle Somogyi Nemeth

In honor of Michelle Somogyi Nemeth, who lost her battle to cancer in 2017 just a few months after enrolling her daughter in UPLIFT, this financial assistance program is possible due to the generosity of Michelle’s friends and family as well as proceeds from the Haygood Grady Memorial Tennis Tournament.


Families enrolled in the UPLIFT Program are eligible to apply.
Families enrolled in the UPLIFT Program are eligible to apply.

Eligibility requirements

Find out if you are eligible to receive a mini grant.
Find out if you are eligible to receive a mini grant.
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